Christ said " I am the Light of the world."
And He is! Literally, and spiritually. He created the sun, and without Him we would have no hope.
3 Nephi 9:18, John 8:12
A conference talk I like is about Hope and God's light. It is entitled "The Hope of God's Light" by President Dieter F Uchtdorf. I will attach a link to it at the bottom, I strongly encourage all of you to read it! I love this talk because there really is hope in the world. Even when we feel dark and completely alone, there is still hope! And that is because of Christ. He went lower than any man ever could, so that He may be with us as we face our trials. And He is, He is ALWAYS with us! We can be healed if we just turn to Christ and rely on Him, for He said: " I am the Light which shineth in the darkness." President Uchtdorf said: "God's light is real. It is availiable to all! It gives life to all things. It has the power to soften the sting of the deepest wound... The darkness may not dissapate all at once, but as surely as night always gives
way to dawn, the light will come!"
Family and friends, there is hope! Trust in Christ and let His light replace any darkness in your soul! The darkness will surely fade, because it cannot exist in the presence of light! You are a child of God. Rise up and become the person you were designed to be!
PS: There's another Sis. Madson in my mission! Cool, eh?
I love you all!!
~Sister Madsen
**Due to her switch into the Geargia Mission, Karely has a new address. Check out the 'Write Me?' page**